Status Quo Clubs

Regular status quo: Status quo is a temporary suspension of the charter, rights, privileges, and obligations of a Lions club. The Executive Administrator and divisions as designated by him, acting on behalf of the International Board of Directors, has authority to place a Lions club in status quo or release it from status quo.
The objective of status quo is to stop the activity of the club that is not fulfilling the obligations of a chartered club until the reason for placement into status quo is resolved or the club is cancelled. Lions clubs may be placed in the following categories of status quo:

-> Failure to comply with the purposes of the association, or conduct unbecoming a Lions club, such as, but not limited to, failure to solve club disputes or involvement in litigation

-> Failure to fulfill any obligations of a chartered Lions club, such as, but not limited to, failure to hold club meetings regularly, or failure to submit the Monthly Membership Report for three or more consecutive months;

-> The club is non-existing or fictitious

-> The club has asked to disband or participate in a club merger.

While in status quo, the club cannot conduct service activities, fund-raising activities, participate in district, multiple district, or international functions or seminars or in any voting procedures outside of the club, endorse or nominate a candidate for district, multiple district and international office, submit the MMR and other report forms or sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo club or a Lioness club.

In order for a status quo club to regain the status of good standing, the club must correct the reason for which the club was placed in status quo, pay all outstanding balances in the district, multiple district and international accounts, submit a completed Reactivation Report to report membership and leadership changes if needed.

Protective status quo: War, civil insurgency, political unrest, natural disasters, and other special circumstances, which prevent a Lions club from functioning properly. A protective status quo club shall be allowed to function normally.

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