Priority Club Status

Priority designation gives the district the ability to focus on strengthening clubs that need additional assistance so they continue to serve far into the future. It allows members of the DG Team to make up to two additional club visits to the club funded by the existing district governor budget. This designation does not change the status of the club nor change the clubs rights or obligations and is designed to provide support to clubs that need additional attention.

Priority clubs automatically include all clubs that have been chartered over the previous 24 months, clubs in status quo or financial suspension and clubs that have been cancelled over the previous 12 months that could be reinstated.
The district governor may request priority designation for five additional clubs. To request priority designation for clubs that are not newly formed, recently cancelled, in status quo or financial suspension as noted above, the district governor must indicate why additional support is necessary, provide a plan outlining the needed activities and assign a Guiding Lion to the club. The plan must be approved by the club, the district governor, and the first vice district governor and then submitted to the District and Club Administration Division. These clubs must continue to pay dues and fulfill the responsibilities of a Lions Club or may risk being placed in financial suspension and cancelled. If measurable progress is not made within six months, these clubs may lose their priority designation. A club is considered to have achieved success when it has reached the goals set by the club when priority designation was granted. More than five additional clubs may be given a priority designation with the approval of the District and Club Service Committee.

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