MyLion – Service Activity Reporting

Starting in July, you will use the new MyLion website to report all of your service activities. While you’ll still use MyLCI or your local system for everything else (membership management, club management, etc.), the new MyLion website will be your one-stop destination for all things related to service.

->All club-level officers will now be able to create, edit, and report on service activities.

->All officers will now have access to service reporting data from all over the globe through MyLion

I already registered for MyLCI – do I need to register again?
This is a one-time process, and your new Lion login will apply to MyLion on desktop, the MyLion mobile app, and MyLCI. In future, this login will also apply to every aspect of the Lions digital universe, including the club supplies store.

What will I use MyLion for?
With MyLion’s expansion, all club-level officers will be able to create, edit, and report on service activities. Any service activities created in the MyLion app will also appear in MyLion on desktop. Plus, you’ll be able to see any service projects created by your club’s members, and will have full control over approving member-created activities for club sponsorship. You will also have the same visibility into all service activities worldwide that all members will now share. MyLion is about to become your one-stop shop for service!

What if my role does not involve club level service reporting?
You will still get access to the new MyLion on July 1! While you will not be able to report service activities, you will be able to create service projects, view service data, and explore.

I have been an officer during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and my role involves reporting service. When do I get access to the new MyLion?
While most Lions and Leos will be able to login on July 1, Lions who reported service during the 2017-2018 fiscal year will still use MyLCI to report service during their 15-day service reporting grace period (July 1-July 15). At the end of this grace period, these officers will then be able to access MyLion on desktop.

Why are beneficiaries now a required part of service reporting?
As part of our efforts to better track the incredible service of Lions worldwide, we are now asking all clubs to report beneficiaries for each service activity. This will allow us to track the direct impact of Lions on their communities, and celebrate the work you do.
