Club Branch Program

A club branch enables a small group of people to form a Lions club. Forming a branch creates an opportunity for Lions clubs to expand when there are less than 20 members and chartering a new club is not possible, or for members who might not fit into the parent club because of meeting times, dues, demographics, etc.
Branch members are part of an existing parent club, but hold independent meetings and select their own projects and activities. With the ability to make decisions about projects, attendance requirements, use of funds and more, club branches have nearly the same autonomy as Lions clubs.

How many members does it take to form a branch?
A minimum of five members are required to form a new club branch including a president, secretary and treasurer.

How does the parent club maintain communication with the club branch?
The parent club appoints a branch liaison to serve as the go-between for the parent club and the club branch. The branch liaison attends branch meetings and is a helpful advisor to ensure branch growth and success.

What are the appropriate fees?
Regular entrance fees and international dues apply when joining a club branch. When the branch converts and charters a new club, branch members in good standing receive a charter fee waiver. The parent club secretary signs and submits the Club Branch Conversion Form(CB-21) to certify transfer of membership.

Could the Club Branch Program be used with other groups?
Yes. In places where spouses typically belong to separate clubs, or want to join separate clubs, they too can be part of club branch just for spouses –and benefit from the family dues structure. Clubs may also use the Club Branch Program as an opportunity to invite a younger generation to join Lions or start a campus club branch.
