District Governor’s Advisory Committee

This committee serves in an advisory and administrative capacity to the district governor and the cabinet. It is composed of:  zone chairperson who serves as the committee chairperson, presidents and secretaries of clubs within the zone. Consider inviting the district GMT /GLT/GST coordinator to present new membership, leadership and service development opportunities.

->Assist the zone chairperson in making sure that every club operates efficiently and follows the association’s constitution and by-laws and policies ; Promote attendance at the district, multiple district and international conventions; Promote attendance during charter nights within the zone ;  Discuss ways of helping clubs that need assistance with membership or leadership development ; Promote various club functions such as inter-club meetings, installation of club officers, induction of new members, ceremonies honoring Key Award recipients and other club events.

->At least three meetings of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee should be held during the year.

->1st  meeting: within ninety days after the international convention to discuss the general condition of all clubs within the zone,  duties of club officers, district and zone goals, International theme, financial obligations, administrative duties and rules for club excellence awards.

->2nd meeting:  November. Review club goals, examine club’s membership recruitment plan, new member induction, leadership development needs and development of new clubs.

->3rd meeting:  February or March. To ensure the club’s nominating committee formation, submitting an PU-101 for, installation and orientation, annual audit of a club’s funds, Club delegates and alternates for the district, multiple district and international conventions,  End-of-the year club awards.

->A fourth meeting, if held, could be an occasion to honor present or past club officers.

->Advisory committee meetings are reported to the district governor using the DA-ZCM Form.
