E- Club house

The E-Clubhouse and the E-District House were designed to make communicating with  club and district members easier while also giving each club and district a professional looking platform to showcase important club projects. The e-clubhouse was designed to provide Lions clubs with a FREE website that is both attractive and easy to maintain. Clubs are guided by fill-in-the blank prompts making the creation of the club site easy.

The site also links to the LCI Web site, Lions Quarterly, Lions Learning Center, Facebook and Twitter by navigation buttons.The site features five main sections;

Club Home Page can feature a photo of your members participating in a project or club activity and a brief history of your club.

Calendar of Events Page showcases your club’s activities and allows you to feature important dates on your home page.

Club Projects Page lets your community know about your projects and how they can get involved.

Photo Gallery Page showcases your club’s activities by posting photos of recent projects.

Contact Page provides a place to post your contact information so people in your community can contact you.
Up to five additional pages for your club’s special functions or news.

The Members-Only section includes a group e-mail function, a members-only message board, a template for an electronic newsletter and an electronic event invitation that automatically informs members of upcoming events and tracks responses. The site also provides clubs with a place to post newsletters and publications.
