Extension Awards

Extension awards are presented to the two Lions, who, in the opinion of the serving district governor, provided the greatest assistance in the organization of a new Lions club. Lions nominated for an Extension Award receive a medallion for each of the first five clubs chartered, and greater awards for chartering 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 clubs.
Any Lion may receive the award, including transfer charter members, but with the exception of the district governor, new charter members and international representatives.

Extension Awards will be presented after the club has been chartered for a year and a day and is in good standing. The Extension Award will be sent to the district governor for presentation to the club organizer(s).
District Governor Extension Award

The District Governor Extension Award is awarded to district governors who charter one or more clubs within their district. The prestigious pin is personalized to display the number of clubs chartered during their year.
District Governor Extension Awards will be issued to the immediate past district governor after June 1 following their fiscal year. The award will indicate the number of new clubs formed in the previous fiscal year that are still in good standing as of May 31 of the next fiscal year.

Club Sponsor Banner Patch
Clubs that sponsor a new club receive a commemorative banner patch.
