LCIF Grant Programs

Sight First grants fight preventable and reversible blindness by supporting eye health care delivery systems, training and infrastructure development. Lions districts and multiple districts work with their regional SightFirst Technical Advisor in applying for a grant.

Standard grants are the grants Lions are most likely to be involved with. Standard grants provide matching funds up to US$1, 00,000 for large-scale projects that address important humanitarian needs.

International Assistance grants fund partnership projects between Lions clubs in at least two countries. Grants provide between US$5,000 and US$30,000 on a matching basis to fund smaller-scale development projects in needy countries, such as medical missions, primary health care, food self-sufficiency, aid for disability organizations and clean water initiatives.

Core 4 funds
Lions multiple districts and single or sub-districts may request Core 4 grants to accomplish one of two goals:

– Expansion Grant: Expand coverage of Lions Quest in multiple, single or sub-districts where the program is active but not reaching a considerable number of schools, or implement a pilot of one of the three Lions Quest programs not yet available in that county or district. Grant funding may be awarded up to US$100,000 for expansion projects.

– New Country Implementation (Pilot) Grant: Implement the Lions Quest program in a country or region for the first time. Grant funding may be awarded up to US$25,000 for implementation projects.

Emergency grants are awarded in amounts up to US$10,000 immediately following natural disasters to fund distribution of relief aid.

Major Catastrophe Grants are directed by the LCIF Executive Committee and cannot be applied for by Lions. These grants provide significant funds for catastrophes of major international impact, such as the China earthquake, the South Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake

Designated grants represent funds donated to LCIF restricted for specific activities and projects.

Grant Application Deadlines

Due to the establishment of the new LCIF Board of Trustees, board meeting times and some grant application deadlines have changed. View the Calendar of Events for updated meeting dates and application deadlines.
